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⇒ Download Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar By Edgar Rice Burroughs Illustrated Edgar Rice Burroughs Vincent 9781533547828 Books

Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar By Edgar Rice Burroughs Illustrated Edgar Rice Burroughs Vincent 9781533547828 Books

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Don't buy cheap paperbacks just to save a few dollars. Most of them use low-quality papers & binding. Their pages fall off easily. Some of them even use very small font size of 6 or less to increase their profit margin. It makes their books completely unreadable.

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  1. Unabridged (100% Original content)
  2. Font adjustments & biography included
  3. Illustrated

About Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs

Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs, the fifth in his series of books about the title character Tarzan. It first appeared in the November and December issues of All-Story Cavalier Weekly in 1916, and the first book publication was by McClurg in 1918. The novel was written while Burroughs lived in Oak Park, Illinois, which provided the name "Opar".In the previous novel Tarzan and Jane's son, Jack Clayton, a.k.a. Korak, had come into his own. In this novel Tarzan returns to Opar, the source of the gold where a lost colony of fabled Atlantis is located, in order to make good on some financial reverses he has recently suffered. While Atlantis itself sank beneath the waves thousands of years ago, the workers of Opar continued to mine all of the gold, which means there is a rather huge stockpile but which is now lost to the memory of the Oparians and only Tarzan knows its secret location. A greedy, outlawed Belgian army officer, Albert Werper, in the employ of a criminal Arab, secretly follows Tarzan to Opar. There, John Clayton loses his memory after being struck on the head by a falling rock in the treasure room during an earthquake. On encountering La, the high priestess who is the servant of the Flaming God of Opar, and who is also very beautiful, Tarzan once again rejects her love which enrages her and she tries to have Tarzan killed; she had fallen in love with the apeman during their first encounter and La and her high priests are not going to allow Tarzan to escape their sacrificial knives this time.

Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar By Edgar Rice Burroughs Illustrated Edgar Rice Burroughs Vincent 9781533547828 Books

‘Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar’ is the fifth Tarzan book and in my opinion better than the previous three. Tarzan gets into a bit of a financial scrape thanks to a bad investment and turns to his own personal piggy bank, the gold laden city of Opar, to replenish his coffers. It is a bit odd to me that our jungle man is raiding a city of gold but it’s not the only time he does it. So with his Waziri he heads out to pile up as much gold as his men can carry. Unfortunately back at the Greystoke compound a group of Arabs attack, kidnap Jane and kill most of the rest of the Waziri. Back In the city of Opar Tarzan is caught in an earthquake and gets a bonk on the head that causes him to lose his memory and revert back to his younger feral self, entirely forgetting Jane and his Waziri. He ends up saving a Belgian man named Albert Werper from a human sacrifice and it turns out Tarzan has retained the ability to speak French and English. Although allying himself with Tarzan, Werper is a traitor who was trailing Tarzan and works with the Arabs. The Belgian spots a huge cache of gems in a bag Tarzan is carrying and plots to steal them but fears crossing the now almost completely feral ape man.

There are things not to like about this book. Burroughs reuses a lot of ideas from other books and Tarzan was being increasingly tied down. The ape man should require two things, his knife and his loincloth and sometimes the loincloth is optional. Sadly Burroughs saddles him with a wife, a son, a house and a whole tribe of Afrikaners to manage. Thus he’s reduced to pillaging Opar to support his lifestyle. It’s once he gets the kerknockin’ on the noggin that things improve. The feral Tarzan is the cool Tarzan. He doesn’t care about the future or the past, he hunts when he’s hungry otherwise he stretches out on a branch and lazes about. At one point he considers killing his own Waziri who are carrying his gold because all he can remember is that blacks had killed his ape mother Kala.

About half way through the book things start to go downhill with the plot. La is searching for Tarzan and her sacrificial dagger. Tarzan is looking for a pouch of jewels and Werper. Werper is trying to flee from Achmet Zek and Tarzan. Mugambi is trying to find Jane. Jane is trying to escape Achmet Zek and Abdul Mourak is hunting Achmet Zek. As if a bag of jewels wasn’t enough there is also a king’s ransom in buried gold taken from Opar. There is WAY too much stuff going on and this is unfortunately not uncommon in Tarzan stories. Coming to try and save the plot is Tarzan flanked by two large apes invading the Arab camp. Burroughs describes them as, ‘three mighty engines of destruction’ which is one of my all-time favorite quotes in a Tarzan book.

‘Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar’ has some good points and some bad ones. On the one hand the plot is a mess with too many characters and so many side plots that it all feels like a silly farce. On the other hand Tarzan’s interaction with animals is marvelous fun. I love reading about Tarzan trying to marshal his ape forces before they become distracted by a juicy grub or errant scent. Early in the book Tarzan faces off against an enraged ape and as the two stare each other down in a lethal confrontation the ape simply loses interest and wanders off. That’s the unpredictable way animals act and when Burroughs manages to almost make Tarzan believable that’s when I enjoy the stories the most. It also has one of the better endings of any Tarzan books and Albert Werper becomes one of the more interesting multi-dimensional characters Burroughs has created. This is in no way a perfect book but it’s a fun read and that’s not always the case with Tarzan books.

Product details

  • Paperback 156 pages
  • Publisher CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (June 3, 2016)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1533547823

Read Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar By Edgar Rice Burroughs  Illustrated Edgar Rice Burroughs Vincent 9781533547828 Books

Tags : Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar: By Edgar Rice Burroughs - Illustrated [Edgar Rice Burroughs, Vincent] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <h2>Why buy our paperbacks?</h2> <ol><li>Standard Font size of 10 for all books</li> <li>High Quality Paper</li> <li>Fulfilled by Amazon</li> <li>Expedited shipping</li> <li>30 Days Money Back Guarantee</li></ol> <h2>BEWARE of Low-quality sellers</h2> Don't buy cheap paperbacks just to save a few dollars. Most of them use low-quality papers & binding. Their pages fall off easily. Some of them even use very small font size of 6 or less to increase their profit margin. It makes their books completely unreadable. <h2>How is this book unique?</h2> <ol><li>Unabridged (100% Original content)</li> <li>Font adjustments & biography included</li> <li>Illustrated</li></ol> <h2>About Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar by Edgar Rice Burroughs</h2> Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar is a novel written by Edgar Rice Burroughs,Edgar Rice Burroughs, Vincent,Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar: By Edgar Rice Burroughs - Illustrated,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1533547823,FICTION Classics
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Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar By Edgar Rice Burroughs Illustrated Edgar Rice Burroughs Vincent 9781533547828 Books Reviews

Having started the series from the beginning I found this book has a good mix of old and new characters. The villains are vibrant and lively, just the type that you love to hate. It is somewhat tiresome that Jane and Tarzan find themselves repeatedly in peril but without that what would the story be? This is a fast and easy read, very enjoyable. I plan on continuing with the series to see what else Burroughs has in store.
As always, I found this story to be as impressive as all the other stories of Tarzan. From youth to twilight years Tarzan still brings the joy of adventure.
This is one of the series of the Tarzan books written by this prolific author. The book is written in an easily readable style, and makes enjoyable pleasant, light reading.
The author is writing at the beginning of the 20th century, when much of the African continent was unknown. It is interesting to follow the workings of his mind, as he creates a series of interesting and unique civilizations for Tarzan and the reader to explore.
As part of the format, one knows that our hero will find himself in mortal peril, but will predictably always escape, allowing us to look forward to the next book in the series.
This is a tour de force of action, adventure, the lure of treasure, trials and tribulations with Tarzan in the wilds of Africa. A tale that roars along like a runaway freight train, with more plot twists and hair-breadth escapes than you can count. Those who have grown weary reading ponderous tomes of made up worlds with wizards and the like should take a well deserved break and see how a real master of the genre gets the job done! Edgar Rice Burroughs gets his characters in and out of more scrapes in a single chapter than many of today's writers can manage in a hundred pages. This is Burroughs at his best.

Available for free on , you can't go wrong at the price.
I've been trying to find the last few remaining books from the Tarzan series that I haven't read, so it was great to find this one. I wish the entire series would be made readily available. It's an entertaining and fun book, as are all the dozens of ERB books I've read. The simple tried and true formula of good versus evil, heroes versus dastardly villains, and exotic locations makes for a great story. Suitable for both adults and teens.
Recently started re-reading the first few Tarzan books. I originally read them over 40 years ago in my pre-teen/early teen years. This edition is a nice hardcover book which is a perfect size in my opinion. The print is quite large with a space between paragraphs making it very easy on the eyes. 5th novel in the series. I won't comment too much about the plot and writing style. It is a good jungle romance in the usual Burroughs style.
After I read it I re-watched the Tarzan the Tiger 1929 silent with sound effects movie serial starring Frank Merrill which was based on the movie and followed the plot of the book quite closely. Recommended for Tarzan/Burroughs fans.
This is thrilling and interesting. Be warned all the Tarzan series are very racist! You wouldn't know by the movies, but the books really highlight what people thought about other cultures during this time. I still gave it a good review because it's interesting to read these books and see what the values were during this time, plus it's a compelling, fast paced adventure book that is just good fun to read. This wasn't my favorite of the Tarzan books, but it was still fun.
‘Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar’ is the fifth Tarzan book and in my opinion better than the previous three. Tarzan gets into a bit of a financial scrape thanks to a bad investment and turns to his own personal piggy bank, the gold laden city of Opar, to replenish his coffers. It is a bit odd to me that our jungle man is raiding a city of gold but it’s not the only time he does it. So with his Waziri he heads out to pile up as much gold as his men can carry. Unfortunately back at the Greystoke compound a group of Arabs attack, kidnap Jane and kill most of the rest of the Waziri. Back In the city of Opar Tarzan is caught in an earthquake and gets a bonk on the head that causes him to lose his memory and revert back to his younger feral self, entirely forgetting Jane and his Waziri. He ends up saving a Belgian man named Albert Werper from a human sacrifice and it turns out Tarzan has retained the ability to speak French and English. Although allying himself with Tarzan, Werper is a traitor who was trailing Tarzan and works with the Arabs. The Belgian spots a huge cache of gems in a bag Tarzan is carrying and plots to steal them but fears crossing the now almost completely feral ape man.

There are things not to like about this book. Burroughs reuses a lot of ideas from other books and Tarzan was being increasingly tied down. The ape man should require two things, his knife and his loincloth and sometimes the loincloth is optional. Sadly Burroughs saddles him with a wife, a son, a house and a whole tribe of Afrikaners to manage. Thus he’s reduced to pillaging Opar to support his lifestyle. It’s once he gets the kerknockin’ on the noggin that things improve. The feral Tarzan is the cool Tarzan. He doesn’t care about the future or the past, he hunts when he’s hungry otherwise he stretches out on a branch and lazes about. At one point he considers killing his own Waziri who are carrying his gold because all he can remember is that blacks had killed his ape mother Kala.

About half way through the book things start to go downhill with the plot. La is searching for Tarzan and her sacrificial dagger. Tarzan is looking for a pouch of jewels and Werper. Werper is trying to flee from Achmet Zek and Tarzan. Mugambi is trying to find Jane. Jane is trying to escape Achmet Zek and Abdul Mourak is hunting Achmet Zek. As if a bag of jewels wasn’t enough there is also a king’s ransom in buried gold taken from Opar. There is WAY too much stuff going on and this is unfortunately not uncommon in Tarzan stories. Coming to try and save the plot is Tarzan flanked by two large apes invading the Arab camp. Burroughs describes them as, ‘three mighty engines of destruction’ which is one of my all-time favorite quotes in a Tarzan book.

‘Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar’ has some good points and some bad ones. On the one hand the plot is a mess with too many characters and so many side plots that it all feels like a silly farce. On the other hand Tarzan’s interaction with animals is marvelous fun. I love reading about Tarzan trying to marshal his ape forces before they become distracted by a juicy grub or errant scent. Early in the book Tarzan faces off against an enraged ape and as the two stare each other down in a lethal confrontation the ape simply loses interest and wanders off. That’s the unpredictable way animals act and when Burroughs manages to almost make Tarzan believable that’s when I enjoy the stories the most. It also has one of the better endings of any Tarzan books and Albert Werper becomes one of the more interesting multi-dimensional characters Burroughs has created. This is in no way a perfect book but it’s a fun read and that’s not always the case with Tarzan books.
Ebook PDF Tarzan And The Jewels Of Opar By Edgar Rice Burroughs  Illustrated Edgar Rice Burroughs Vincent 9781533547828 Books

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